Thursday, January 3, 2008

Book Review Lesson

With the completion of The Gammage Cup, each student will write a book review. The following link will lead you to the online activity.
Scholastic Book Review


ky said...

When it comes to bravery, courage, and cunning, Carol Kendall knew what she was talking about when she wrote The Gammage Cup. This adventure filled story has a stout plot, great characters, superb elaboration, and a strong ending. Carol Kendall did a great job making up different cultures between the Minipins (Inhabitants of the land between the mountains) and the mushrooms (Enemies).

The story takes place in the humble village of Slipper on the Water, which is in the land between the mountains. No one has ever dared go beyond the mountains except for an unwise few. There are five who upset the village of Slipper on the Water. These five were named, Gummy, Mingy, Muggles, Walter the Earl, and Curly Green. They were banished from Slipper on the Water, and, without anywhere else to go, the five outlaws headed to Gummy’s house on the Little Trickle. The five were always looking for trouble, but as Muggles once quoted, “If you don’t look for trouble, how do you know It’s there? The minipins were nervous when they arrived, but yet again in the words of muggles, “No matter where there is, when you arrive it becomes here.”

What I loved most about this story was how many different places there were. At first you’d think the whole story would take place in Slipper on the Water, but instead the five main characters head to the little trickle. It’s like the author has taken us on a long, strenuous, journey to an unknown, mysterious place using her deep descriptions.

The main conflict that occurred in the story is, the once vanquished mushrooms have returned, and there is not a living sole in slipper on the water who wishes to stop them from invading. Only the five outlaws on the Little Trickle have the bravery to save the Land between the Mountains.
To know the ending of this epic tale, you must simply read the book and enjoy.

Allison said...

In this large adventure Carol Kendall tells us about five amazing characters in this story called "The Gammage Cup". Through the story you will hear about each character and what each look like. Carol Kendall will also tell you about the complications that they go through on their journey. She will tell you about their enemies the Hairless Ones (mushrooms). I think Carol Kendall did a great job of writing this story.
This story takes place in the land between the mountains. If anyone leaves his/her own village, and they enter in the land between the mountains they can never return to the village they came from. There are five characters who make the village of Slipper on the Water mad, and are forced to leave the village, their names are Muggles, Curly Green, Mingy, Gummy and Walter the Earl. The reason they had to leave the village was because they had their doors a different color and they had on different coor clothes which were the original Minipin colors. So after they left, they headed to Gummy's house on the Little Trickle. While they are on their way they must watch for trouble. Also while they are ther they see the mushrooms with spears. So they fight them and they try to warn the village that the hairless ones are going to attack. After they warn the village and fight them they win the Gammage Cup. Then later on, Muggles and Mingy get married.
I kind of like this story. But the only few things I didn't like about this story was that it was a little boring and it was a little weird. But it was an okay story.

Anonymous said...

Carol Kendall really makes me feel like i am in The Gammage Cup walking around in Slipper-on-the-water.In this story five "oh thems" get outlawed and save the village. Muggles a short, plump lady who lives in Slipper-on-the-water. and often wears a green sash and has a lot of friends. Such as walter the earl who finds the ancient treasure and to let everyone know he quotes "i have found the ancient treasure".

Later on into the story muggles,mingy(the money keeper),walter the earl, curly green,and gummy(the poet)get outlawed from the village because they are ruining the chances of winning the gammage cup. The outlaws go to alittle house on the little trickle where muggles quotes"no matter where there iswhen you arrive it becomes here.

Once the outlawes settle down they discover that the evil mushrooms are planning an attack on the one outlaw goes to the town and gets an army ready to fight. they kill off all of the mushrooms and win the gammage cup.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.